Children of divorce anonymous;
is a fellowship of children as well as men and women who share their experiences, strengths and hope with each other.
Hope that may eventually solve their common problem and help others to recover from divorce.


Coda is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organizations or institutions; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither oppose nor endorse any cause. 

Our primary cause is to help children of divorce accept and understand their new life, and to be empowered to get their voice back.


We live by the slogan;
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference."




Children Of Divorce Anonymous

Reach Out

Work with members in your community and make a difference

Children Of Divorce Anonymous has devoted its energy to passionately advocate for the children who are left with unanswered questions, unrealistic expectations, a fear of abandonment and an uncertain future. Find out how you can learn about the "Understanding Your New Life Program" and contribute to the future of someone in need by becoming a trained group leader.

Make a donation today to support our mission ~ "Sometimes, it's about changing one life at a time!"~Author Sherri Mills

"I must not let them know my pain, their own pain is enough. So I will keep my words inside and make my outside tough." ~excerpt from a poem written by a child of divorce.

Dr. Velez and Dr. Cohen are Research Scientists at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.  They were published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry on Suicidal Behavior and Ideation in a Community Sample of Children and found that (Adult) children of divorce are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide than children from normal homes. 

These type of statistics go on and on.  The high school dropout rate of children of divorced parents is roughly two times higher than that of children of which the parents did not divorce. (McLanahan, Sandefur, -Growing Up With a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps- Harvard University Press)

Teenage children of divorce are three times more likely to need psychological help within a given year. (Peter Hill - Recent Advances in Selected Aspects of Adolescent Development- Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry)

These children did not have a choice but they need to have a voice.  We need to support a different statistic.  One that we can help control by educating both these children and their parents of how to handle an undetermined future.  How to support a child's wellbeing and emotional health by comprehending that each biological parent is part of these children and will be forever.  Part of their DNA, part of their personality and part of their self worth. 

These children are stuck in the middle so lets help them build the skills to not only survive, but to thrive.  We can help them adapt and we can help them feel whole again.  

Children of Divorce Anonymous will be a Non-Profit organization and will play a main role in promoting the "Understanding Your New Life Program".  This is a simple - step by step guide for these children that will teach them skills that will inhabit their minds for the rest of their lives.

The "Understanding Your New Life Program" was created by published Author Sherri Mills and will collaborate with the goal and topic of her new book "Children of Divorce ~ In Their Words".  It will run as an independent support group for children and teens as they forge through this journey.  The administration fees for the global disbursement alone is phenominal and those involved are counting on donations from GoFundMe to hit the ground running.

Please support these children and this program.  "Sometimes, it's about changing one life at a time!" ~ Author Sherri Mills



Let the children have a voice!

In a day and age like today, the broken family is becoming all too normal and society needs to realize that the children left to sift through the pieces are more broken than anyone could have imagined.  "We need to let the children have a voice!".  Join us...

The "Understanding Your New Life Program" is built around the children who didn't have a choice.  They are hurt, angry, frustrated and lost.  One step at a time, we will guide them through a necessary healing & building process that can change the course of their lives.

43% of children growing up today are being raised without a father.

28% of children of divorce are living in a household whose income is below poverty line.

75% of children of divorce live with their Mom.


Join Us
